Please Contribute So We Can All Make A Difference.
Your generous donation will make a significant impact on the lives of the most vulnerable individuals, including those living with serious mental illnesses.
A contribution of just £10 will directly contribute to providing essential items that support and uplift our communities.
In addition to donations, we are actively seeking volunteers, sponsors and investors to further support our cause.
If you're considering volunteering, there's no better time than right now to join our team and make a difference. Click the link below to get involved!
How We Began . . .
Come Together was founded on the 28th of August 2021, as we approached the lifting of Covid-19 government lockdown restrictions. During this time, I reflected on my own personal experiences, spending many years struggling with addiction problems, homelessness, and the poor mental health that came with them. The help was always there; the difficulty was not due to the services available to me but rather to my own personal issues. I did not ask for it and suffered in silence on my own. After finally getting the help I needed in 2012, I dedicated my recovery to studying and researching services and overcoming the issues I faced, with the intention to help others access the available services easily. As Covid restrictions were being lifted, it became apparent that the need for a support service was greater than ever! So myself, my partner, and some friends decided that now was the time to act!
We acquired two venues and created a voluntary organization, where anybody can Come Together to our welcoming, safe space – an inclusive public support hub. We support the vulnerable, who have reached out to us for help, and the ones for whom we have reached out to provide help. This is just the beginning, and we aim to reach out to as many people as possible to provide the support they need. We walk hand in hand with those who need our support and ensure that they know they are not alone. Our mission is effective and simple: Come Together and strive for happier and healthier communities for all.
- Mat Molyneaux (Founder)Our Mission
Our Mission
We're a startup voluntary organisation based in St Helens, Merseyside in the UK. Our mission is to provide a safe space for
people who are looking to improve their lives. By providing positive community activities, outreach programmes, support
and more.
Part of our ethos is to keep a positive outlook on life! Some say that charity start's at home, we do love
that phrase, although we are not completely bound to it - we have pretty big arms here at the Come Together
Hub and will reach out to anybody, anywhere, that needs our help! Everyone is welcome we can not say it
enough - you dont have to struggle alone and we are always here to help if you need it.
Community Care
As part of our journey into helping make a better future for all, our volunteers are committed to not just helping
the vulnerable of the community, by giving out donation's, offering our advice and friendship,
we proactively try to improve areas of neglect - by reaching out personally with our outreach programme, if they need it.
This is not an easy task and we can not do it without your help. So please get involved by donating the much
needed living essentials such as toiletries, dry food, old blankets, clothes, tents or a small cash
It doesn't matter about the size of your donation because everything is needed, so lets Come Together and
make a better future for all.
Join our onine communities!
Follow us on Insta and Facebook, we use these Social Media accounts to update our members, volunteers and visitors for every event, activities and therapy group. We also use it as a virtual out reach for anybody needing someone to have a friendly chat, anything ideas or questions they may have on Come Together, we are always here to help you, as we are helping eachother.